[The most important thing for job satisfaction] “well-functioning, trouble-free IT systems”. Nearly 9 out of 10 (87 percent) included that in their answers, putting it on top of of the list of what’s important for employee satisfaction.”
Stupid ************ system!
I found the Stupid ************ system! site a while back and have found it most useful in putting forth the challenge and benefits of considering internal systems when looking at product and service design. It is great that Jonas Söderström is putting out an English version of his book on the topic too.
Some of my favourite articles
”On the unusability of internal systems” | Stupid ************ system! | Jonas Söderström, February, 2015
Keynote at Nordic Ergonomics Society’s 47th annual conference | Stupid ************ system! | Jonas Söderström, November, 2015 - A great set of slides here.
I also like this piece that Leisa Reichelt did a while back which also paints a vivid picture.
...people who bought or made the system didn’t even think about the experience for internal staff. The internal staff who are stuck using it are so far away from the people who bought that expensive crap that they’ll never know how awful it is
Help Joy help you. On the unusability of internal systems. | Disambguity | Leisa Reichelt, July 2014