Some great ideas from Gerry McGovern on self-service design

Self-service encourages speed and impatience.

Self-service thrives on high frequency, repeated tasks.

When it comes to self-service design, content is both the solution and the problem. Publishing the ‘right’ content is a significant management challenge that most organizations haven’t even scratched the surface of.

Source: The role of content in self-service design | New Thinking | Gerry McGovern, July 2014

I think Gerry has highlighted the challenge ahead for digital service design. Many organisations whilst attracted to the idea of self service because it will cost less than mediated service types, have forgotten to include user needs in their service design plans. More resources and organisational priority should be given to content production, maintenance, and monitoring.

Bruce Klopsteins

UX maven, content strategist, communicator, information obssessive, exploratory completionist, and fan of witty banter. When not quoting other people's brilliance, thoughts are my own.