Need a face for a persona 'Generative media' might be a good place to start

AI generated face image great for personas and mockups

Just been catching up on Smashing Magazine's latest email and saw this project that has generated a bunch of rights free faces for non-commercial use.

I often just look in social pages in regional magazines to find persona faces, but this looks like an interesting place to gather them.

100,000 AI-Generated Faces – Free to Download!
Explore our free resource of 100k high-quality faces, each entirely generated by AI. Use them in your projects, mockups, or wherever — all for just a link back to us!

I am most interested in how they came up with the idea to create this service.

They also term this kind of AI and ML pipeline for content generative media. We used to have User Generated Content (UGC) now we have another term for programmatically generated content

AI Generated Photos - Frequently asked questions [A FAQ sigh...] More about the project

Another example of generative media, an AI based face

Bruce Klopsteins

UX maven, content strategist, communicator, information obssessive, exploratory completionist, and fan of witty banter. When not quoting other people's brilliance, thoughts are my own.