Mike Monteiro is my new favourite writer on design

Food for thought from Design is not an investment, An Event Apart - Speaker Spotlight, Oct 2014

Design - It's plumbing, it's foundation

Design is core. It’s not a nice-to-have. It’s plumbing. It’s foundation. You don’t invest in design. You can’t exist without it. A website without design isn’t a house without art, it’s a house without a bathroom.

Good design is how things work well

Design is how things work. And good design is how things work well. A well-designed site, or app, or product, is going to stand a better chance in a crowded marketplace than one that isn’t. Because good design is about making something’s value more apparent.

Selling the value of design work is a core design skill

First off, the work does not sell itself. Never has, never will. I’ve seen a lot of great work thrown in the dumpster because the designer could not explain to a client how that work solved their business problem. Knowing how to sell work to a client is a core design skill.

I really liked these points and the way Mike covered some of these critical issues when considering web design.

Makes me pretty keen to read 'You're my favorite client'

Bruce Klopsteins

UX maven, content strategist, communicator, information obssessive, exploratory completionist, and fan of witty banter. When not quoting other people's brilliance, thoughts are my own.