Measures of success - why do so many teams avoid thinking about them?

“What went wrong? A few basic things…
The team didn’t take the time to understand the problem in terms of the user need. They didn’t set clear goals about what they wanted to achieve. And, they didn’t develop any measures they could use to demonstrate whether they were achieving their goals.”

The pitfalls of performance measurement | Digital Transformation Agency (DTA), James Broadbent, May 2017

You'd be surprised how many times, measures of success are not considered in detail. Some good points in the article on how to avoid that situation courtesy of James Broadbent at the DTA. I think we need to work a bit higher up the problem. Why didn't the team take the time to understand the user need.

Is it:

  • 'not the way we work here'
  • not my job
  • the Business Analysts (BA)s job
  • Business need to spec it in the non functional specification
  • no human centred design process
  • no visibility or penalty if the goal is not achieved