In 5 years I want to:

  1. Be valued and respected as an expert on design and innovation in organisations I work with
  2. Be a design educator called on to run workshops and help organisations connect the dots and think more broadly on problems and opportunities
  3. Work in a team that is mission driven and collaborates effectively
  4. Known by my peers and able to connect people and ideas across the UX community
  5. Find mentors and partners who challenge, stretch and encourage me to deliver the best

Research has shown that goal setting is important and recently after reading The One Thing I was reminded that just making the effort to articulate you goals increases your chance of reaching them that much more.

Above and beyond that sharing your goals and reporting your progress to your friends and family increases your ability to achieve them. So based on the future building activity of Leah Buley's awesome little tome The User Experience Team of One here are my professional goals.

I am looking forward to my bright and challenging future.

Bruce Klopsteins

UX maven, content strategist, communicator, information obssessive, exploratory completionist, and fan of witty banter. When not quoting other people's brilliance, thoughts are my own.