Good design builds trust

In an article connecting k-pop (Korean pop) to design I found this excellent point on design and trust.

Good design builds trust between products and users. When a product has finish and polish, it builds trust. When a product offers value, it builds trust.

Trust reduces friction between users and products. It guarantees smooth transactions.

Source: What k-pop can teach us about design | Medium | Jonathan Z White, June 2016

So it is worth putting some effort into design to build a reliable, polished product because it builds trust and without that it is hard to peddle whatever it is you are selling. When digital products are not soundly designed then you may create mistrust and leave your users uncertain and unsatisfied. This is not a sustainable position for an organisation.

Bruce Klopsteins

UX maven, content strategist, communicator, information obssessive, exploratory completionist, and fan of witty banter. When not quoting other people's brilliance, thoughts are my own.