Four hallmarks of good service – Some ideas from Salesforce

I am always interested to sell the value of useful, usable, and beautiful digital experiences. So I found a few good gems in this nifty Salesforce Infographic illustrating the Cost of bad service.

They also have a list of factors that are hallmarks of good service. Have you considered how you can support these in your digital channels.

Personalisation - use the magic of Disney!

This one can be hard to deliver, but you don’t have to do much to impress. Like Alan Cooper suggested in The Inmates are running the asylum it would be nice if the computer remembered my name, email, and address. Many commerce sites now do this once you log-in. In a previous role we made a small change to our site CSS so users could choose from a range of colour schemes. It took a little bit of work, but finally silenced the ‘I don’t like the crazy new colour’ site redesign critics.

Disney are masters at this in the face to face environment. Next time you visit one of their parks note how many staff smile and wave at your personally, maybe even including Mickey himself. This is a key part of the ‘magic’ of the Disney brand and you should be bringing it to your website.


This means catering for different devices, operating systems, display resolutions.


This must come through in your content and your design.


This is largely delivered by understanding where and how your user interacts with your content and/or digital service. If you have competency and responsiveness informed by evidence based design you should be hitting this.