Eileen Webb suggests using Radar Charts to find content gaps - great idea!

Simple radar charts can be used to measure content plans against business goals, website features against development resources, or almost any set of items against multiple metrics.

Find content gaps using radar charts | Content Strategy Workshops | Eileen Webb | March 2015

I hadn’t radar charts used for this purpose before. What a great idea.

Radar charts a good way to present 'fuzzy data'

I also like Eileen’s suggestion to use fuzzy ratings. Generally in the digital environment things are on a continuum and can’t be easily quantified... and the things that can are not usually enough by themselves to help guide strategic decision making.

“In early strategic planning phases, a gap analysis with fuzzy ratings can help us move a project in the right direction without getting caught up on exact tactics and specific implementations. This is especially important when a site or project has a lot of moving parts, distinct audiences, and complex business goals, and you risk important pieces falling through the cracks.”

Using them for content gap analysis is a great idea I wish I had thought of it. I will definitely consider on my next content strategy project.