Digital thought leaders

These are people whose work I greatly admire. If you are new to digital strategy and user experience I encourage you to investigate these people, groups and works.

What I am reading

My Goodreads profile Here you can see what I have fed my brain and what I have planned next.

Core knowledge

Steve Krug
Jared Spool
Jakob Nielsen
Donna Spencer
Brad Frost
Jonathon Snooks
Russ Weakley
James Robertson
Sally Bagshaw
Paul Boag
Lisa Welchman
Alan Cooper
David Hobbs
Kathy Sierra
Jessica Enders
Erika Hall
Erik D Kennedy
Erin Kissane
Rick Yagodich
Daniel M. Brown
Nicole Fenton
Janice (Ginny) Redish
Mark Boulton
Chris Nodder
Luke Wroblewski
Andy Polaine
Susan M. Weinschenk
Aaron Gustafon
Jeffery Zeldman
Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Kristina Halvorson
Colleen Jones
Phil Kemelor
Karl Groves
Gerry McGovern
Richard Hudson
Dey Alexander
Ruth Ellison
Kim Chatterjee
Mike Monteiro
Jonathan Suh
Ida Aalen
Kezz Bracey
Sarah Kaczmarek
Avinash Kaushik
Sarah Richards
Heydon Pickering
Leisa Reichelt
Louis Rosenfeld
Tristan Cooke
Ann Rockley
Alison Michalk
Abigail Thomas
Kelly Goto
Andrew Hunt

Sites, groups, publishers

Canberra User Experience Meet up
A List Apart
Smashing Magazine
CMS wire
The pastry box
UX Booth
New riders

Contextual knowledge

Clay A. Johnson
James Gleick
David Weinberger
Clay Shirky
Jonathan Zittrain
Steven (Berlin) Johnson
Nicholas Carr
David Silvernman
Richard Rummelt
David Kord Murray
Nassim Taleb
Carol Dweck
Malcolm Gladwell
Yochai Benkler
Dan Ariely
Valdis Krebs
Doug Tapscott
Sherry Turkle
Danah Boyd

Daniel Pink
Seth Godin

Rachel Botsman

Harold Jarche
Oscar Berg

Mark Pesce
Ross Dawson
Craig Thomler

Zaana Howard
Charlene Li