Design is not just visual

Design is not just visual

This is a common misconception I think we need to work harder to address. Often it is intangible and invisible decisions around code and user interaction they lead to success/failure of a digital product.

“Design is not just making things look nice. Visual design is just a portion of the equation. Design is strategy.”

Design is slippery, but you can start from best practice

“Accept that that decision usually shouldn’t happen early in the process. Prototype, test and confirm some problems to solve. Then it’s much easier to determine if pre-made components will fit your goals. When basic UI components are no longer enough to meet your goals, you might want to consider something unique. That doesn’t always mean a completely new system, and can sometimes be fulfilled by using them as a foundation.”

Put most time into uncovering the ‘why’ of you digital product

“It is not cheating to use UI components, stock elements, or frameworks that do the job. Spend more time uncovering, asking why, and researching options.”

Source: Design is not just visual | Danelle Bailey, Nov 2015

Bruce Klopsteins

UX maven, content strategist, communicator, information obssessive, exploratory completionist, and fan of witty banter. When not quoting other people's brilliance, thoughts are my own.