A great run-down on how to run a good discovery phase for a digital service

How to run an effective digital service discovery phase
| GatherContent | Liam King, July 2015

This article provides a really good guide to some of the traps for new players when undertaking the discovery phase of digital service building.


  • Assumptions should be supported by evidence – It is critically important to avoid confirmation bias. Assumptions that aren’t validated are most dangerous

  • I like that it suggests you test the viability of a digital service rather than accept it as a foregone conclusion

  • It is centred around users and opportunities and encourages involved staff to focus on users rather than pointing the finger

  • I must acknowledge my own bias towards user research and testing as critical parts of digital design

  • I also like that it acknowledges the risk of discovery suppliers suggesting changes or products merely to provide opportunities to profit

  • Also really happy that ‘put content in the spotlight’ is one of the core things to consider.

Bruce Klopsteins

UX maven, content strategist, communicator, information obssessive, exploratory completionist, and fan of witty banter. When not quoting other people's brilliance, thoughts are my own.