Check this! Business Victoria - a government site that gets contemporary web practice

Source: Business Victoria - helping business grow

This kind of thing is far and few between although the UK govt. has been shaking things up a bit.

About the new business victoria web site- They also have nice low down of the principles they used to put it all together. I just want to know how they sold it to their own organisation. Getting past the Highest Paid Person's Opinion HiPPOs can be tricky.

I particular like their focus on:

  • data and evidence driven design
  • simple IA
  • larger font size
  • a focus on speed. - In my opinion more sites should use a performance budget to get this right.
  • good use of tone in writing style (government content can be really bad at this)

    Seeing so little on the page and having it task focused rather than covered with heaps of news which only matters to a few parties or internal organisation players (sadly) feels kind of unnatural. Likewise for the 16pt base font size even though sites like Jeffrey Zeldman's have being providing this for ages you never see it in govt.

    I look forward to more good work like this.

  • Bruce Klopsteins

    UX maven, content strategist, communicator, information obssessive, exploratory completionist, and fan of witty banter. When not quoting other people's brilliance, thoughts are my own.